Encompassing the Emotional, Physical & Mental Aspects of Self-Defence Training

Emotional, Physical & Mental Self-Defence Training

Physical Empowerment CIC is a Community Interest Company i.e. not for profit. We aim to offer our training, for free, to the people who need it the most.
Physical trauma, of any kind, can leave an indelible impression in the hearts and minds of the people who experience it. Physical, emotional, mental. Three corners of a triangle; they are all needed in order to build confidence in yourself and your own physical presence. Traditional self-defence courses tend to focus on the physical aspect but overcoming a traumatic past needs a more holistic approach.
Practically all courses and resources offered to people who have survived physical trauma are focused on mental and emotional confidence-building and empowerment but there are very few organisations in the UK which offer survivors of physical trauma the opportunity to get in touch with their own physicality and inner strength through physical training.
We seek to change that and this is why Physical Empowerment CIC was created; to offer as many people as possible the opportunity to experience the power of working through both physical and mental trauma together. We offer a comprehensive model of training, encompassing physical self-defence skills, emotional resilience, mental combat and survival instincts.
We are very aware of the need for long-term support and every time we run an initial course or workshop, we make sure there is a provision in place for a regular session to run in the local area afterwards. Our long-term aim is to set up a network of Physical Empowerment hubs which are run by people who initially attended the courses as a beneficiary. This will take time, patience and funding but we will get there! Once someone has attended a course with us, we hope they will take away practices that they will use on a daily basis.
Every person has the right to be able to hold their head up high, look in a mirror and say, “I like you” or at least be able to smile at themselves. Physical Empowerment CIC wants to help you achieve this by helping you to get in tune with your body and truly understand the physical strength and power that you hold within.
What to Expect

Holistic Approach
Physical - Emotional - Mental

Support & Understanding

Physical Self-Defence Training


Safe Space

Self Awareness

Confidence Growth

You are not alone
“Helping people face their physical, mental and emotional trauma; together.”
Our sessions bring the emotional, mental and physical aspects together and offer you a unique opportunity to face your trauma and help your body and mind to feel free.
We recognise that women are disproportionately affected in terms of experiencing domestic violence and abuse in their lifetimes.
In the longer term, the Physical Empowerment aim is that our framework will be used to work with anyone working to recover from trauma.
Physical Empowerment CIC works with male and female instructors and we believe this is important; in order to tackle violence in society, men and women must work together. Our courses for women are run by a female coach and notice will be given before a male coach attends.
At Physical Empowerment CIC, we understand that physical training may unleash feelings of inadequacy that have been buried for a long time. If at any time the training is too much, or if memories come flooding back, we always have a safe space for our members to take a break and regroup. There will always be an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on, and you will never be pressured to continue with something you aren’t comfortable with.

Port Talbot; Ladies' Feedback 2022
Benefits of Physical Empowerment CIC Training
Just because you are prepared to take control, it doesn’t mean you are going to turn into a hostile, forceful person. Being prepared with the proper tools doesn’t make you aggressive. It makes you smart, self-aware and ultimately gives you a better chance of recognising danger signals long before you need to use any physical moves.
In many other countries, especially Canada and the USA, physical self-defence is offered as a standard part of victim support programmes in order to help victims feel safer in their daily lives.
What happened to you is not your fault. When in vulnerable situations, especially facing physical aggression, your brain, mind, and body will react in the only way they know how. That may be to freeze; that is our most common reaction.
Survivors of physical trauma may, due to past traumatic experiences, be unable to accurately assess and evaluate perceived threats in an effective manner. They may also be unused to setting physical space boundaries and are unlikely to have a strong sense of “self” over their own body and mind. We aim to help people develop essential skills such as; owning your personal space, raising your awareness levels, listening to and believing in your instincts and feeling more confident in your ability to protect yourself.
Physical Empowerment CIC courses aim to be transformational for those who attend because every individual has the right to feel safe in their own skin and that includes you!
We believe in you and we believe you can do anything you set your mind to.